OCGUF Medical outreach has remained part of our annual events, starting from 2007. From 2007 to 2016, it held as a 1-day event on the 26th of December with different villages as locations. Free medical services were rendered to thousands of patients, especially the poor and underprivileged.
On the 10th edition in 2017, it was expanded to a 3-day event, the scope was also expanded to cover the entire Okposi land by using a central location (The government field). The services were also extended to include specialities like surgeries (minor and major), Dental and Eye services.
The 2018 outreach followed the same pattern with over 2,000 patients receiving free medical services. 21 free surgeries were successfully carried out while 400 eye glasses were made available for patients. The plan is to improve and expand the established trend.